Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Omega-3, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, Creatine, Collagen… the list goes on and on.
More than half of supplements contain animal-derived ingredients – and companies are not required to disclose them.
In fact, many US-based supplement brands use intentionally ambiguous wording, hiding the truth and misleading consumers on the origin of their ingredients.
We’re shedding light on the animal cruelty and environmental damage that fuels a highly-profitable industry – because nobody else is.
The United States dietary supplement industry kills an estimated 24 billion animals, while creating 1.8 billion plastic pill bottles of waste every year.
As consumers, we have the power to spark change, so we’re petitioning the FDA to implement more transparent regulations, which would mandate companies to disclose if their supplements contain animal byproducts.
We’re empowering fellow consumers so we can all make better, more informed decisions about what we’re purchasing and putting in our bodies. It’s as easy as signing your name.
This is the impact of the dietary supplements industry.
Due to the inhumane, corner-cutting practices of the US supplement industry, an estimated 14.4 million pigs, 3.6 millions cows and over 244 thousand sheep in addition to 16 million metric tons of fish (~24 billion fish) are slaughtered every year.
… and if that wasn’t bad enough, significant portions of these animals are wasted.
76% of supplement packaging is plastic-based. This results in the production of a whopping 1.8 billion plastic pill bottles every year in the US – a lot of which is never recycled.
The vast majority of this non-recycled plastic ends up in landfills, year-after-year. Roughly 17% of the plastic waste is combusted, with 3% polluting our oceans.
What We Want
Industry-standard honesty.
Signing, sharing and discussing this petition with friends will apply some much-needed pressure on the FDA to require transparency in labeling.
Implementation will be as simple as adding a sticker to supplement products saying “This product does [not] contain animal derived ingredients”.
The only companies that stand to lose are the ones taking advantage of the current lax system. Let’s take a stand to support honest companies going above and beyond to ethically source their ingredients .
What We’re Petitioning For
As it stands, companies are not required to disclose if their product(s) contain animal byproducts, which is problematic for several reasons. Instead, we want to create a standard of:
Rewarding Honesty & Transparency
Environmentally-conscious consumers seek out (and are even willing to pay more for) plant-based products because they (1) believe in the cause and (2) understand that sustainable practices are inherently more expensive. By not having to disclose the presence of animal byproducts, companies can attract consumers with low prices and profit off of misleading claims.
Allowing companies to leverage verbal loopholes only stands to incentivize dishonesty, while punishing those trying to do the right thing.
Empowering Educated Decisions
Failing to disclose the presence of animal byproducts strips consumers of this right.
Saving Animal Lives
We believe that given adequate and transparent information about the source of a product’s ingredients, people will choose supplements that were produced without harming any animals.
Who We Are
Terraseed is the world’s first all-in-one vegan multivitamin that comes in a 100% biodegradable bottle. Their mission is to support vegans with ethically-sourced ingredients and sustainable practices.
Animal Save Movement
Animal Save Movement leverages activism to promote the rights of animals and our environment. They have a global network of chapters, each working to make the world a cleaner, animal-friendly place.
Our Partners
50 Percent of Supplements Contain Hidden Animal Byproducts
VegNews • 50 Percent of Supplements Contain Hidden Animal Byproducts •
We have the power to spark change.
Sign our petition to demand transparent labeling regulations from the FDA.
Together let’s make honesty the industry standard.